Facebook Business Apps can help to increase your website traffic, sales and brand awareness. Moreover they're mostly free, which means you have nothing to loose.
There are a lot of Facebook Business Apps around that will bring your page right up to date, but here are the ones we think that you should concentrate on to improve your social media campaigns.
Top 5 Facebook Business Apps
- Facebook Questions - The most under-estimated of the Facebook business apps. By asking your audience questions you not only collect valuable data and potential sales leads, but you are engaging socially too. When an audience feels like their opinions are valued, you're going in the right direction.
- RatePoint Reviews and Testimonials - This app lets you show people who your happy customers are - giving you great chances of attracting new ones. It gathers all of your lovely recommendations and displays them on your Facebook wall, giving you an over all rating for your service.
- Wildfire Apps promotions - Everyone likes something for nothing, so why not get some audience participation going on, in the form of competitions, give-aways, discounts etc. Creative and interactive Facebook campaigns are always popular, so take advantage of this and Wildfire Apps promotions to get great audience participation resulting in increased brand awareness.
- PageMondo - Facebook doesn't offer a high level of customisation for your business page, but with PageMondo brands like yourselves can create a welcome page for business. This helps to get across to your audience what you're all about, adding a personal stamp to your Facebook business page. you can even add videos and your Twitter feed to your PageMondo welcome page.
- Pinterest - Even though Pinterest is another social media platform, linking it to your Facebook Business page can be very beneficial to you. The reason for this is that your audience will see that your efforts don't just rest with Facebook, but that you participate in other popular forms of social media too. Pinterest is great for getting more visuals displaying on your Facebook page which will catch your audience's eye!
If you have a Facebook Business page we recommend you using these 5 Facebook business apps. Every business will be different and somethings that may work for others, might not work for you. There is an element of trial and error when it comes to really pinning down your target audience and reeling them in, but it's possible.
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