How to Ensure Your Website Works for Your Business - Remarketing

Following on from our first post, this is the final post in the series about 5 key areas to improve the way your website works for your business covering: website target audience tips, how to make your website visitor friendly, distinctive features of a website, how to create trust and reliability on your website and remarketing tips.



Remarketing can play a key role in generating more revenue for your business. It is a strategy which is often commonly known to be associated with Google Adwords and PPC (Pay Per Click) Marketing which targets users who have previously visited your website but have left without making a purchase or an enquiry.

In today's post we'll look at how you can use PPC remarketing techniques and also email campaigns to help increase your business revenue.


PPC Remarketing 

Often called retargeting or behavioral marketing, PPC remarketing can help to increase your customer conversion rate.

Example: when a user visits your website to view the content they were looking for, they might leave your website without making a purchase or an enquiry. Sometimes this might not be a direct reflection of your website's landing page quality, it could be that the visitor is early on in the buying cycle and they are comparing prices or researching a project.

Remarketing allows you to tailored adverts to previous visitors to your website acting as a fresh reminder to users who have previously visited your website.

Some advantages of remarketing are:

  • the potential to convert visitors who have previously abandoned their shopping cart (E-commerce)
  • the potential to convert visitors who have refrained from making an enquiry
  • the potential to increase recurring visitor rates and user experience


Email Marketing

Similar to PPC Remarketing, email marketing can if used correctly, be a great tool to use to increase your potential generated revenue. Email marketing can often be used to target different types of users and could be for the following:

  •  to target customers who have previously bought an item
  • to target customers who have recently abandoned their shopping cart
  • to target customers who have previously signed up to a newsletter but not made a conversion
  • to target customers who have previously been interested in your services but did not convert
  • to target existing customers and clients

Email marketing most commonly relies upon information collected from a sign up form or via an enquiry form. It is effective because it targets uses who range from mildly interested in your products or services, to customers who are directly interested in your products and services.

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