Do I need a website? It’s probably hard to see the value of a website if your business is already so successful that you are working 24/7 just to meet the expectations of your existing clients. After all, who needs more clients when business is this good?
But even if this is you, it is important to remember that a website does a whole lot more than simply drive more clients to your door. Websites are a valuable commodity in the digital age. So if you are still struggling to recognise the value of a website, here’s why you are missing out:
Nowadays it is normal to assume a business has a website. It’s a given really. We live in a world dominated by online activities, so if you need a plumber, accountant or herbalist, you look for one online. It’s not just would-be customers who do this either. Say you need a top-up business overdraft. You would make an appointment with your bank manager. He will probably check out your website as part of the decision making process, to see whether he thinks your business is a good risk. If you don’t have one, the perceived value of your business will drop.
Having an online footprint in the form of a website is a way of establishing credibility. Businesses come and go, but any business with a well-designed, professional looking website will have a much easier time convincing customers that they are not some fly-by-night operation.
Creating and printing glossy brochures is an expensive task. Having a shiny new website doesn’t mean you can necessarily skip the task completely, but it certainly becomes less important. A website is great for networking. They are the cyber equivalent of a brochure. Customers, business associates, and anyone else who is interested in what you have to offer can find out more about via your website – and if they want to contact you, the details are available at the click of a mouse.
Connecting with customers is important, but making connections with businesses and the local community is arguably just as important. Promote your business values and the charity work you do via your website. This helps other people to better understand your role in the wider world. A website can also help you make valuable connections with other professionals, which could lead to profitable associations and joint ventures further down the line.
No matter how busy you are, you can’t afford to rest on your laurels. Customers are a fickle bunch and are apt to jump ship to one of your competitors at the drop of a hat. Your competitors will be working hard to offer a better service or deal, so if you don’t create a useful website that offers value to your existing customers, before you know it they will be leaving in their droves.
Do you offer a great service? Are your products second to none? If so, it is time to show off a little! A website is a virtual shop window to the rest of the world. Use it to show everyone what you do and take pride in being the best of the best in your chosen niche.
If it has been many years since you started your business, it is likely that you haven’t given much thought to your business goals and ‘mission statement’ for some time. Creating a website forces you to do exactly that. A website needs content, so use the time you spend writing the content to think about what your business stands for, where it is going, and how you can improve it.
Providing good customer support is essential. Your customers need to know they can get hold of you 24/7 and anything less than that level of service is unlikely to inspire much confidence. The great thing about having a website is that it is always there to provide customer support. A FAQ page will go a long way to answering simple queries, but if you want to take things to the next level, it is not difficult to implement a ticketing support service.
A domain linked email address looks a lot more professional than [email protected]. Having a website means you can set up multiple email address for all aspects of your business: [email protected], [email protected], etc.
The bottom line is that in this day and age, no matter how many clients you have beating a path to your door, you always need a website. For more information on how we can help you build the perfect website for your business, contact us today!
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