E-commerce tracking within Google Analytics is an additional optional extra which when implemented, allows you to analyse the sales performance of products which you sell online.
This is important tool because it can show early indications of issues which if addressed, could improve your sales performance and return on investment.
Within Google Analytics, you have to choose a specific date range before you can access the required data you want to view. This can be anything between 1 and 90 days. Once this has been selected you are able to:
1. View your e-commerce conversion rate, number of transactions, amount of revenue generated, average order value and number of unique purchases
2. View your top revenue sources by product, product SKU, product category and by source / medium (this will tell you the revenue generated by organic and paid source types)
3. View the geographical country or city visitors have made a purchase from
4. View how your e-commerce website performs on a desktop, tablet or mobile device and find out which device generates the most revenue
5. View the top keyword phrases which generate the most revenue or transactions
"What extra data can I see if my Google Adwords account is linked?"
If your Google Analytics is already linked to your Google Adwords account, this can provide you with extra e-commerce data relating to your pay per click campaign performance.
Please be aware you can only view Google Analytics e-commerce data once the correct tracking has been implemented. Also you cannot select to view any e-commerce data which precedes the date range of the initial setup.
Once e-commerce tracking has been successfully configured, you can view specific data which will help you to analyse your linked Adwords account performance. This includes the following and more:
1. Adwords campaign name(s)
2. Ad group name
3. Ad content (includes the top line of the advert)
4. The advert slot position
5. The Adwords destination URL
To find out about how we can set up e-commerce tracking on your website and help improve your website's e-commerce performance get in touch with us today.
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